22nd annual UHCL Student Conference for Research and Creative Arts

The 22nd annual UHCL Student Conference for Research and Creative Arts is taking place on April 18-23, 2016.

This annual conference gives students an opportunity to present their original work in front of professionals who will evaluate their work and give feedback. Additionally, there will be networking opportunities.

Students should start preparation of their presentations as soon as possible. Participation in special events like the mock trial, poetry reading, performing arts, the animation festival and the Innocence Project are encouraged.

Several professors have added a participation credit to their spring syllabi for presenting or volunteering at the event. Furthermore, the professionals who will review the works will be awarding commendations to authors of outstanding presentations. Faculty co-authorship is allowed, but must be presented by the student and list him/her as the first author.

Applications are only accepted with approval of the student’s instructor. The application deadline is February 2016 with a fee of $10 per author, with late applications being accepted in March 2016 with a $15 fee per author. Specific dates will follow. Applications will not be reopened.

For more information, go to http://www.uhcl.edu/ResearchArtsConference/ or contact Michael Hunt at hunt@uhcl.edu or 281-283-3375, or Pilar Goyarzu at goyarzu@uhcl.edu.

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